NPO法人 日本似顔絵アーティスト協会

Information of JAPAN GRANDPRIX 2015

Hello everyone!

Here is our upcoming information of,


・10am~12pm Registration
・12:30pm Opening Reception
・13~13:30PM Live Sketch Tournament draw lots
・14~17:30 Live Sketch Tournament 1st round
・18PM close
・10am~13pm Live Sketch Tournament 2nd and 3rd rund
・13~21pm Drawing time
・10am~12pm Live Sketch Tournament semi final
・9am~21pm Drawing time
・10~11:30am Display your art works
・12~13pm Voting time
・14~15pm Remove your art works
・18~20pm Award banquet
Live Sketch Tournament Final

We brought brand new idea and challenge at this convention.
That is “Live Sketch Tournament”.

Many times we hear that competiton is good for studio artists,
but not for live artists. Board members spent lots of time to disscuss how we improve this issue.
Then, we came up with this great idea.

Many of caricaturist feed ourselves by live sketching.
We believe studio art and live sketch should be equal.
We are very excited about this competition.

Only 64 artists can compete for Live Sketch Tournament.
If you are willing to participate, please tell up when you register.
When ever we count 64 entries, application will close.

By now, we are under preparation of establishing organization
and opening bank account. We will let you know whenever its ready.

